Do you have any plans for dinner this evening?

Created by ebsoloway 10 years ago
Rick told me a story of how he met one of his distinguished professor's at Harvard Law college.... Rick's preamble made such a favorable first impression on this one man at there very first meeting, that this Harvard and Loyola Prof., said something to the effect of: " dear man. Do you have any plans for diner this evening?" To which Rick replied, "No, no plans. What have you have in mind?" The professor response: "I would like you to join me and my wife for dinner this evening." And Rick said, "I would be delighted." And this was his natural talent and ability he shared in life. The man who invited Rick to dinner, was but one of two men, responsible for the editing and publishing of all those famous reference Law books, that we often see in photographs and to which attorney's read and refer to in practice. Rick is loved and he is missed.